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The easiest way to get accurate and consistent LLM output

Build and deploy faster. Go from zero to quality language model outputs with RAG in minutes.

Formulaic's Create View allows you to upload and chat with documents.

Instant RAG

Upload your files and chat with your documents in mere seconds using retrieval augmented generation. See better results and fewer hallucinations.

Run your first Formula
Side-by-side comparison of popular language models.

Side-by-side comparison

Quickly compare multiple models at once. We support the most popular leading frontier models from Google and OpenAI, as well as the most popular open source models.

Get Code Modal opened on the Formulaic creation page.

Test and deploy faster with pro tooling

We support variable templates out of the box. Our API allows you to call prompt templates or perform full inference with RAG.

Learn more in our documentation
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Iterate quickly with models and prompt variations

Ground with authoritative documents via RAG

Deploy call your prompt with built in variables via our API